Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Winter Scholarship Dinner

Read all about Alpha Chi's Winter term scholarship dinner celebrating our outstanding grades courtesy of your very own VP Intellectual Development, Whitney Haskin!

On Monday, January 23rd, the Alpha Kappa chapter had their very first Scholarship Dinner of 2012. This dinner is an Alpha Kappa tradition that is not nationally practiced in every Alpha Chi Omega chapter. Scholarship Dinner commemorates the achievements and progress that the ladies of Alpha Kappa have made throughout the past term.

3.5 and above
The dinner began with the introduction of our two guests of honor. Ben Eckstein, the ASUO President, attended the event and sat at our head table next to Alpha Chi President Annie DeMarchena. We were also honored with the presence of Professor Mary Wood, a law professor at the University of Oregon. The entire chapter was so pleased to see two incredibly influential individuals attending our chapter dinner. After a swift dinner and dessert, Annie made her announcements and the scholarship ceremony began. The categories of the honorees at each Scholarship Dinner are 3.0 and above, 3.5 and above, and 4.0 and above.

3.0 and above
Both the above a 3.0 and above a 3.5 categories received recognition in front of the whole chapter. A photo of each group was taken and will be posted next to a certificate within a frame on the wall of our house so that their achievements can be more permanently displayed. Ladies with a 3.0 and above do not have to complete any study tables. They have presented themselves as beyond capable of excelling and completing their own academic goals.

Those who fall into the final category, above a 4.0, are rewarded with more substantial candy, the photo and frame, and are also given a pair of hand made “smarty pants” or pajama shorts with our decorated Greek letters embellished somewhere along the seam. While that tradition may sound a little silly, it is something that girls work for and look forward to.

4.0 and above with their
smarty pants!
Our chapter has many goals and hopes for the new year. Within the realm of academics, we hope to strive far above and beyond our last cumulative GPA and tend to our own personal ambitions. As sisters, it is our duty to help and encourage one another to “seek the heights” of our personal intellectual destinations. 2012’s outstanding numbers in each of the three recognition categories has inspired the members of Alpha Kappa to work harder, to study that extra hour or two, to explain a difficult concept in economics to a friend, to proofread that paper for the third time, to be an inspiration to other students, and to strengthen our bond as sisters.

“Excellence is a better teacher than mediocrity. The lessons of the ordinary are everywhere. Truly profound and original insights are to be found only in studying the exemplary.-Warren G. Bennis

I am so proud to say that I am sisters with all of these amazing women who work so hard! I know that each and every one of them is going to go on to accomplish great things. Whitney worked so hard on this dinner, and she did an outstanding job of showcasing how much our chapter cares about academics and scholarship. Can't wait for the next dinner Spring term!


Chrissy Hardesty

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