Sunday, February 26, 2012

Alpha Chi at Work: Christine Westhoff

Read all about Christine Westhoff's job with the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies department!

At the start of my sophomore year I decided it was time to find a job. I started by looking at many websites. I looked at the UO job site but I was out of luck because I do not qualify for work-study. I looked on Craig’s List but nothing was within walking distance. I started to lose hope but little did I know that one of my sisters would be the perfect resource. Ally Marrs was graduating early and made an announcement about her boss looking for someone to replace her once she graduated. I jumped at the opportunity and eventually got the job. The job was as an office assistant for the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, which is in Gerlinger.

It is the perfect job for me, on campus, flexible hours, and interesting. I get to work on our website, I am able to learn about a bunch of different events and lectures that my center puts on about South East Asia. I also get to do research of what kind of programs the University of Oregon has to offer on Asian Studies. I get to use my Facebook skills to try to find alums that had majors in different Asian Studies areas to get their information for various grants we apply for. I also help compile data to help ensure that we keep many of our grants that we run on.  It might not be the most interesting job out there but it is one that I am able to learn a lot at and expand my knowledge of different cultures. This job has showed me how important relationships with your sisters are, they are a great resource for many different things.

Sounds like Christine has a great way to earn some extra cash and to keep herself financially responsible, which just happens to be one of our values!


Chrissy Hardesty

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