Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Alpha Chi at Work: Kelsey Green

For our next post in the Alpha Chi at Work series, I would like to introduce you to Kelsey Green who had an amazing experience interning with Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon. Read all about how she not only made an impact in Oregon but ended up making a difference in lives across the United States.

As an individual who would love to eventually run for office or become a campaign manager I found myself searching for an internship that would give me some type of political action experience. I ended up applying to work for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon right here in good old Eugene. When I told people that I intern for Planned Parenthood the most common question I got was if I handed out free birth control, but that wasn’t the case because PPAO is actually the political side of Planned Parenthood. While working for PPAO I personally fundraised thousands of dollars, recruited volunteers, asked people to register to vote and inputted data. My team consisted of myself, 2 other interns, the regional head of Oregon and various groups of volunteers. I worked approximately 15-20 hours a week in the office and attending town hall meetings in Eugene and Springfield. I helped to defeat anti-choice measures not just for here in Oregon but also for a recent election in Mississippi.

Kelsey Green promoting Planned Parenthood!
This internship gave me loads of insight of what the legislative process is for passing a bill or defeating a bill. I was constantly on the phone calling Planned Parenthood supporters along with meeting with volunteers that work closely with legislators in the capital. I was also able to really feel like I was making a difference for our local community but keeping free and reduce reproductive health care for not just women but men too. This was an amazing experience because I was able to share my life about Alpha Chi Omega with my coworkers and how Alpha Kappa has helped shaped me into who I am today. I was lucky enough to have sisters to help me pass out flyers about Planned Parenthood and it is always a nice reminder that I have such a great support group. Plus it is nice to know that the work that I do with Planned Parenthood can help benefit my own Sisters!!

Kelsey is truly an amazing woman who was able to take the initiative and involve herself in something that she cares passionately about. Kelsey had the support and love from her Alpha Chi sisters throughout her internship, and I can guarantee you that she carried and promoted the values and standards of Alpha Chi during her time with Planned Parenthood. Even though Alpha Chi is a huge commitment in itself, Kelsey went out into the community to expand her experiences and gain valuable knowledge which will benefit her in achieving her future goals.

It is the women of Alpha Chi, like Kelsey, who inspire us all to better ourselves and be involved in something in the UO or Eugene community. Alpha Chi teaches us the qualities we need to be successful in the work force, but, most importantly, the sisters of Alpha Chi are always there to support you in your endeavors.


Chrissy Hardesty

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